Ireland West Airport Knock, which is held on Trust for the people of the West/North West region and managed by the Connaught Airport Development company, has today learned of the Government’s initiative to make Shannon Airport debt free from in excess of €100m of debt. This debt arose from recent investment in airport related infrastructure , In addition we understand the Government intends to provide working capital to help it make a fresh start for the benefit of the airport and the region.
Ireland West Airport welcomes this positive initiative to support the Mid-West region and the airport serving it. Knock airport has engaged for a number of years with Government to ensure that a similar approach is undertaken to development of this Airport for the benefit of regions which we serve, so that the West/North West and border region benefits equally from such positive Government initiatives.
We are now monitoring the situation with regard to the Government’s investment in Shannon. Our position is that we urge the Government to take an even handed and equitable approach in relation to significant aviation, tourism and enterprise investments in the West of Ireland. We continue to urge the Government to expedite its plans for the development of Ireland West Airport in conjunction with the developments at Shannon, so that the regions are equally well served and the State contributes on a similar basis to enterprise, tourism development and job creation throughout the West.
Issued by Ireland West Airport Knock Chairman; Liam Scollan
On behalf of the Board and management and staff of the airport
22 Mar 2017 12:50pm
06 Dec 2017 10:29am
06 Dec 2017 13:59pm
06 Dec 2017 14:02pm